Get Lit With the Lamplighters ! ! !
Lamplighter Volunteers
help make the Season Merry and Bright
To create beauty and safety for The Saturday Night Before Christmas Eve Lighted Boat Parade on December 17, the sponsoring Punta Gorda Isles Civic Association, under the leadership of Murray Thorndycraft and Lavern Modrow, formed The Lamplighter Volunteers. Seawalls along the parade route can be more safely navigated if the residents light their canal walls. For various reasons, some folks aren’t able to put the lights on their walls, so the Lamplighter volunteers do it for them. And after the holidays, they go back to take the lights down. The residents appreciate the help as do the skippers of the lighted boats. Colorful lights along the canal walls shimmering in the water create a beautiful sight for the holidays and safe passage for the many boats in the parade.